Every Monday from 4-7 pm at the Whole Foods Market on Broad Street in Mid-City, the ReFresh Community Garden hosts a farm stand where you can purchase vegetables and locally produced food items. The ReFresh Project, SPROUT NOLA, and Faubourg Farms are all selling vegetables that are harvested the same day from the ReFresh Community Gardens and another garden in Mid-City. At this small market, you can meet your farmer and your food producer.

Faubourg Farms offered free salad samples of “Mom’s Dressing,” along with komatsuna pesto samples, while community gardener Lexa offered shoppers asian pickles and daikon kimchi samples. Lexa plans to sell different kimchis and pickles as her vegetable harvests change with the seasons. SPROUT NOLA and the ReFresh Community Farm had many greens and other veggies for sale this week–and at a very reasonable price!